Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Comments 4 Teachers (Part 1)

The teacher that I have had the pleasure of following over the last three weeks is Lee Kolbert from Boca Raton, Florida. She is truly transparent and honest about her experiences as a classroom teacher. To learn more about Lee, click the following link A Geeky Momma's Blog

My reflections are as follow:

June 10, 2010 - When Will We Stop Banning Everything?

In this post, Lee writes about the incessant need to ban things in schools today. Lee contends that we cannot continue to ban things in our schools without working with students to modify the behavior that we have identified as being inappropriate. She argues that we should teach them how to properly use such things as silly bandz. "Teach them what's expected and enforce that." Therefore setting boundaries and expectations and holding students accountable.

June 17, 2010 - What's Your Teen Saying?

Lee shares a way to decode the secret language of teens with the use of an iPhone/iTouch App called "LRN the Lingo." I inquired about similar programs for those who do not own either of these Apple devices and she suggested using By using these tools, one can decode text messages and stay current on what's happening with their teen without seeming overbearing.

June 26, 2010 - Where Do I Fit In?

In this post Lee talks about where she fits in as a classroom teacher. She is very transparent and leaves a lot for the reader to ponder. Lee writes about the obstacles that she faces not only with the students, but also the parents and faculty. Lee is working to integrate technology into the classroom, but not without difficulty.

Some students lack access to a home PC or do not have the software necessary to complete homework projects, many parents do not want to risk the potential of their child talking to an "online predator" so refuse computer access. Even after all of this, she then has to argue the benefits of technology with other teachers. This post definitely gives you the opportunity to evaluate your motives for wanting to become a teacher. Lee has a passion for teaching and allows this passion to propel her as she touches the lives of her students.

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